Aldi- Stage 2 (Homemaker Centre)

External DemolitionExternal hard standHeavy duty concrete pavement 250m2Exposed light duty footpath 220m2Line marking, bike hoops.Storm water drainageTrench grates
Chadstone Home Maker Centre

External DemolitionBulk earthworks cut 1,200m21,300 m2 asphalt pavement550 m2 light duty exposed pavementTree removalRetaining wall 1,400 lin.mKerb and channel 450 lin.mGuard railLine Marking, wheel stops, bollards, trolly bays and bike hoop’s.Storm water drainageTrench grates
Coles Traralgon

Site area 2,000 m2Cut to fill excavation 4,500 m3.Import type A 5,000m3.Asphalt pavement 8,200m2Heavy duty concrete 1,300m2Concrete pavement light duty 1,600 m2Kerb and channel 1,100 lin.mRetaining walls 450 lin.mStorm Water 1,200 lin.mTrench gratesLine Marking and bollards and wheel stops.
Towerhill IGA

Demolition of existing pavements2,400 m2 of asphaltKerb and channel-320 lin.mLight duty Exposed concrete 330 m2Line MarkingTrench grates
Woolworths Dandenong

Site Area-20,000 m2, Cut-7,000 m3, fill 4000m3Asphalt pavement 9,000 m2Heavy duty concrete pavement 2000 m2Light duty exposed concrete pavement 1200 m2Concrete pavement light duty plain 300 m2Kerb and channel 1,400 lin.mLine MarkingTrench grates
Aldi Tarneit

Site area-6,500 m2, 4,500 m3 cut in rock, 2,600 asphalt pavement.1,400 m2 concrete pavement heavy duty, 500 m2 light duty pavement570 lin.m of kerb and channelTrench grates